Friday 20 December 2013

Friday, Dec. 20th

1.  Finish reading Holes if possible!
2.  Enjoy the art your child brings home!
3.  Have a very relaxing fun-filled holiday!!!  And do not eat as much baking as I do!
4.  School is back in session Monday, Jan. 6th at 8:30.

Monday 16 December 2013

Monday, Dec. 16

1.  Centerpieces home if possible; the students did a beautiful job on them!  Now they know how to make them at home.

2.  Multiplication test now Tuesday as we ran out of time today due to centerpiece making.

3.  Spelling wordfinder- due Tuesday...most done.
4.  Christmas song- due Tuesday...most done.
5.  Holes journal entry #2- due Tuesday...most done.
6.  Optional coloring contest- due Thursday or take yourself to Sahali Mall.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Thursday, Dec. 12

Sorry again...more BLOG problems since my computer was malfunctioning.   That is why it is great that the students write their agendas out properly...usually!

1.  Bring mug for hot chocolate, preferably a non breakable one.  Send cookies for your own child or for the class, or don't send any at all...whatever you choose. 
2.  Greenery!  We need most kids to bring in a small bag of cedar and/or pine and/or pinecones, etc..  We want to make centrepieces but we do not have enough...almost all is from my backyard.   Please send some Friday or Monday latest if possible.
3.  Read Holes to page 100 by Monday if possible. Most done.
4.  Math test #2 on multiplication with decimals- by doing some of the sets at the back of the text book.
5.  We will have a BIG snack at 10:00, then go outside until 10:30, then get on the bus to go to the Pavilion.  We will return around 1:15 and eat some more then.  We will then have our hot chocolate and cookies and share some Poetry.
6.  Famille project- due Monday- most have finished.

Monday 9 December 2013

Monday, Dec. 9

1.  First, sorry there was no blog on Friday.  Thank you so much for helping our class collect soup cans, etc. for the Food Bank, and money too.  I will be sure to make 2 baskets and bring them next week.   The students had a lot of fun drawing Andy Warhol like soup can art, figuring out Math Pi using circumference and diameter of a can and having races to hypothesize why some were quicker and rolled longer than others.

Today's notes:
1.  Lion, Witch slips- pls get them in if you have not!
2.  Report card card envelopes!
3.  Poetry-entire project polished with pictures and color- due thursday.
4.  Conjunction sheet- due Tuesday.
5.  Paragraph #3- Term 2- due Tuesday.  If parents  have time to check spelling or punctuation errors before they hand in for mark, this helps them understand the editing process.  If not, no worries.
6.  Special Friday- bring mug and cookies of possible. I'll supply hot chocolate and marshmallows. It is Poetry Reading from 1:30 to 2:30.
7. We also need a some greenery- a small bag of pine cones, pine, cedar... WE are making a candle centerpiece. I have candles, plate, etc..  We will be doing these Thursday. If you cannot send anything, hopefully someone else will have extra.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Thursday, Dec. 5

1.  Lion, Witch...slip due ASAP.
2.  Can of food for Science/Art/ and Math special Friday- optional to leave for food Bank after.  Optional to also donate loonie or twoonie for Food Bank box from our class.
3.  Study for Muliplication Math test- double digits plus decimal rule.
4.  Report card envelopes- Overdue!
5.  Animal Poem- first draft due Friday.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Tuesday, Dec. 3

1.  abcb rhyming metre poem- first draft due:  Thursday...most kids finished.
2.  Paragraph #2, Term 2- due Thursday- students are encouraged to have parent or buddy look over for spelling, punctuation, etc.  errors.
3.  Can(s) of food or loonie/twoonie to help make box for Food Bank from our class- OPTIONAL!
4.  Math- grade 4, pg 246, grade 5, pg. 91- due Thursday- most kids finished.
5.  Math test on double digit multiplication- Friday. Will include shortcut with zeros.
6.  Read Holes to pg 100 by Monday if possible.