Wednesday 15 February 2017

Wednesday, Feb. 15

1.  Friday Valentines party this Friday from 10:30 to 12:00- please sned some snacks if possible...vegetable plate, fruit plate, cookies, cupcakes, chips, etc.   Hopefully, they will skate it off!!!  Skating drivers to show up at 12:25 or so.  Leave Mac Park around 2:00. 

2.  We run every morning and then shoot baskets; a lot of students are reporting that they cannot run due to ankle problems, etc..  However, I do see them at recess running around!  Please send a note in agenda if your child is not to run.  This would then mean they cannot participate in Gym class with Mrs. O either. Thanks for your cooperation.  Most kids love running to the music, but I find some feel they can get some attention from friends if they have a reason not to run.

3.  Spelling corrections- due Friday.  Also, Friday= Spelling test.

4.  Gather skates for friday!

5.  Math and Reading booklets started with TOC and continued today- due Friday.

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